Artist’s illustration of two merging neutron stars. Credit: NSF/LIGO/Sonoma State University/A. Simonnet
(—Recent gravitational wave
detections have allowed physicists to confirm with greater and greater
precision what Einstein predicted over 100 years ago in the theory of
general relativity: that gravity does not act instantaneously as Newton
thought, but instead propagates at the speed of light.
"The speed
of gravity, like the speed of light, is one of the fundamental
constants in the Universe," Neil Cornish, a physicist at Montana State
University, told "Until the advent of gravitational wave astronomy, we had no way to directly measure the speed of gravity."
Over the past few months, physicists have made very rapid progress in
bounding the speed of gravity using gravitational wave observations.
Initially, the first LIGO detections of gravitational waves
constrained the speed of gravity to within 50% of the speed of light.
In a paper published last week in Physical Review Letters,
Cornish and his coauthors Diego Blas at CERN and Germano Nardini at the
University of Bern have combined the first three gravitational wave
events reported by the LIGO and Virgo collaborations, allowing them to
improve the original bounds to within roughly 45% of the speed of light.
Just two days later (and after the physicists mentioned above wrote their paper), another paper was published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters
by the LIGO and Virgo collaborations, whose authors are affiliated with
nearly 200 institutions around the world. By using data from the
gravitational waves emitted by a binary neutron star merger detected in
August, they were able to constrain the difference between the speed of
gravity and the speed of light to between -3 x 10-15 and 7 x 10-16 times the speed of light.
The reason for the huge leap in precision is that the neutron star
event did not emit only gravitational waves, but also electromagnetic
radiation in the form of gamma rays. The simultaneous emission of both
gravitational waves and light from the same source allowed the
scientists to set bounds on the speed of gravity that is many orders of
magnitude more stringent than what could be set using gravitational wave
signals alone.
Depending on whether an astrophysical source emits both gravitational
waves and light or only the former, scientists take different
approaches to constraining the speed of gravity. When a source emits
both gravitational waves and light, scientists can measure the
difference (if any) in the arrival times of the two different types of
signals at a single detector. In the AJL paper, the scientists
measured an arrival delay of just a few seconds between signals that
traveled a distance of more than one hundred million light years. Such a
small delay across this distance is considered virtually nothing.
On the other hand, when a source emits only gravitational waves,
scientists must detect the same signal in multiple Earth-based detectors
and measure the (very slight) difference in arrival times. The
scientists of the PRL paper did this by comparing signals
detected by two LIGO detectors located 1800 miles apart: one in Hanford,
Washington, and the other in Livingston, Louisiana.
As the physicists explain, it's possible to greatly improve the bounds on the speed of gravity using sources that emit only gravitational waves.
For example, using four detectors located at different places on Earth,
with five gravitational wave events for comparison, the constraints
could improve to within 1% of the speed of light. But they could still
not reach the degree of precision of experiments that have access to
both gravity and light.
Overall, bounding the speed of light has many significant
implications for fundamental physics and cosmology. One of the biggest
implications is that the tight bounds provide a more precise test of
general relativity and rule out proposed alternatives to general relativity.
"Many alternative theories of gravity, including some that have been
invoked to explain the accelerated expansion of the Universe, predict
that the speed of gravity is different from the speed of light,"
Cornish said. "Several of those theories have now been ruled out,
thereby restricting the ways in which Einstein's theory can sensibly be
modified, and making dark energy a more likely explanation for the
accelerated expansion."
More information:
Neil Cornish, Diego Blas, and
Germano Nardini. "Bounding the Speed of Gravity with Gravitational Wave
Observations." Physical Review Letters. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.161102
B.P. Abbott, et al. (LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo
Collaboration, Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor, and INTEGRAL.)
"Gravitational Waves and Gamma-Rays from a Binary Neutron Star Merger:
GW170817 and GRB 170817A." The Astrophysical Journal Letters. DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/aa920c
NASA has announced that all research it has funded will be FREE
and accessible to anyone through their new open portal PubSpace.
NASA is opening up its research library to the public in the newly launched web database PubSpace…and it’s absolutely free.
Ellen Stoffan, chief scientist. NASA.
NASA Chief Scientist Ellen Stofan believes that this move will
benefit fellow scientists and engineers and accelerate innovation.
“Making our research data easier to access will greatly magnify the
impact of our research,” she said. “As scientists and engineers, we work
by building upon a foundation laid by others.”
From here on out, any NASA-funded
research articles in peer-reviewed journals must comply to its new
policy. This requires that papers be published and uploaded to the
portal within one year of publication so that they are freely accessible
to anyone. The only exception is studies that involve patents and
material governed by personal privacy, proprietary, or security laws.
“At NASA, we are celebrating this opportunity to extend access to our
extensive portfolio of scientific and technical publications,” NASA
Deputy Administrator Dava Newman says in a press release. “Through open access and innovation we invite the global community to join us in exploring Earth, air, and space.”
Researchers have discovered a way to produce high energy photon
beams. This method makes it possible to produce gamma rays in a highly
efficient way when compared to today’s technique. The obtained energy is
a billion times higher than the energy of photons in visible light.
High-intensity gamma rays significantly exceed all known limits of light
and will pay the way towards new fundamental studies.
"When we exceed the limit of what is currently possible, we can see
deeper into the basic elements of nature. We can dive into the deepest
part of the atomic nuclei," says Arkady Gonoskov, a researcher at the
Department of Physics at Chalmers University of Technology.
rays are electromagnetic waves, just like visible light or X-rays, but
with much higher energy. The most energetic gamma rays in the world
could be created by the help of advanced laser physics. When the laser
light is intense enough and all parameters are right, trapped particles
(green) could efficiently convert the laser energy (surfaces in red,
orange and yellow) into cascades of super-high energy photons (pink).
(Arkady Gonoskov)
This new method is the outcome of collaboration is an outcome of
collaboration between Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden,
Institute of Applied Physics and Lobachevsky University in Russia and
the University of Plymouth in the UK. Physicists in different fields
have managed to work out the numerical models and analytic estimates for
simulating the ultra-strong gamma rays in a new and somehow unexpected
In normal cases, if a laser pulse is shot at an object, all the
particles scatter. But if the laser light is intense enough and all
parameters are right, the researchers found that the particles are
trapped instead. They form a cloud where particles of matter and
antimatter are created and start to behave in a special and unusual way.
"The cloud of trapped particles efficiently converts the laser energy
into cascades of high energy photons - phenomena that is very
fortunate. It's an amazing thing that the photons from this source can
be of such high energy," says Mattias Marklund, a professor at the
Department of Physics at Chalmers.
The discovery is highly relevant for the future large-scale
facilities that are currently under development. The most intense light
sources on earth will be produced in these research facilities that are
as big as football fields.
"Our concept is already part of the experimental program proposed for
one such facility: Exawatt Center for Extreme Light Studies in Russia.
We still don't know where these studies will lead us, but we know that
there are yet things to be discovered within nuclear physics, for
example, new sources of energy. With fundamental studies, you can aim at
something and end up discovering something completely different - which
is more interesting and important," says Arkady Gonoskov.
۱- آیادرمقیاس کوانتومی،مشاهده جریان برق در یک ماده رسانامیتونه جهت حرکت الکترونها رو معکوس بکند یا باعث بشه حرارت در جهت معکوس، یعنی از محیط سرد به محیط گرم حرکت بکند؟
بله! منبع و نتایج در کامنت ۱
۲- آیامشاهده یک ذره کوانتومی، میتونه ماهیت اون ذره رو عوض بکند؟
بله! منبع و نتایج در کامنت ۲
۳- آیادر زمان حال، میتونیم ماهیت یک واقعیت که در گذشته اتفاق افتاده رو تغییربدیم؟
بله! منبع و نتایج در کامنت۳و۴
Physics Simplified(25)
Can we change the past?
Photons are sent to the double-slit, unobserved, and pass through as waves. Then, camera is turned on and photons immediately form 2 parallel lines, meaning THEY TRANSFORMED FROM WAVE TO PARTICLES BECAUSE WE TRIED TO OBSERVE THEM.
This experiment questions the very meaning of Reality as we know it
پس از آزمایشهای کوانتومی زیاد، طی۹۰ سال گذشته، علم فیزیک کوانتوم ثابت کرد: هیچ واقعه ای بطور قطع(یقین) اتفاق نیافتاده تا زمانیکه مشاهده یا اندازه گیری بشه. نتایجی که در کامنتهای۱تا۷میبینیم، ثابت میکنند که خواست انسان به دانستن حقیقت(هوش/معرفت)، در بعد کوانتومی، برعالم مادی/فیزیکی مستقیما تاثیر میگذاره. دانشمندان تمامی این آزمایشها رو بر روی ذرات سازنده ماده(فوتون و الکترون) اثبات کردن.
بحث: علم(دانش تجربی) و معرفت(دانش فراتجربی)
کامنت ۱
میدونیم که جهت حرکت الکترونها(برق)در یک ماده رسانا معلوم هست و نیز بر اساس قوانین ترمودینامیک، گرما همیشه از محیط گرم بسمت محیط سرد حرکت میکنه.
ولی، دانشمندان نشون دادن(مقاله زیر) که در یک دستگاه ترموالکتریک عادی، وقتی تصمیم میگیریم ماهیت این وقایع فیزیکی(حرکت ااکترونها و حرارت در یک جسم رسانا) رو در مقیاس کوانتومی تبیین بکنیم و ابزاردقیق مناسب رو نصب میکنیم، جهت حرکت الکترونها و نیز جهت حرکت گرما معکوس میشه. مگه ممکنه؟ بله!! و این نتایج طی ۹۰ سال گذشته مرتبا تکرار شدن. تاریخ چاپ اینمقاله رو ببینید، ۲ روز پیش.
از سال۱۹۲۷ تاامروز حدودا ۹۰ ساله که دانشمندان مرتب این تیپ آزمایشها رو تکرار کردن و دیگه میدونن که اراده و خواست انسان به کسب معرفت نسبت به ماهیت عالم ماده، یعنی حرکت بسمت کسب معرفت/هوش، برعالم مادی مستقیما تاثیر میگذاره.
این حرکت و اراده و نیت بسمت کسب معرفت (دانش فراتجربی) رو در پستهای بعد بیشتر میشکافیم. این حرکت از حدودا ۱۹۸۰ بین دانشمندان، بخصوص فیزیکدانان، شتاب گرفت. این حرکت، حرکتیست بسمت وصل به منشا معرفت(دانش فراتجربی) و بسمت منشا شناخت فراحسی(شهودی)... (پستهایبعد)
خلاصه آزمایشهای کوانتومی ش ۱ و ۲ (تصویر):
فوتونها بسمت صفحه استاندارد یانگ(دوشیاره) فرستاده میشن. دوربین(فوتونشمار) قبل از صفحه یانگ نصب شده. اگه دوربین خاموش باشه، فوتونها از خودشون ماهیت موج بروز میدن ولی وقتی بخواهیم ماهیت ذره رو بشناسیم(هوش/معرفت) و دوربین رو روشن کنیم، بر ماهیت فوتون(واقعیت) تاثیر میگذاریم و فوتونها ماهیت ذره بروز میدن.
حالا، دوربین رو بذاریم بعد از صفحه استاندارد و رو به صفحه پشتی و فوتونهاروبعدازعبورازصفحه یانگ مشاهده کنیم. دقت کنیم: دوربین خاموش بود و فوتونها بصورت موج از صفحه یانگ رد شدن. تموم شد. واقعه ای در گذشته انجام شد. پس در زمان حال هم فوتونها باید موج باشن روی صفحه پشتی بصورت چندین خط موازی ظاهر بشن، یعنی ماهیت موجی خودشون روبروز بدن(بر طبق آزمایشهای ۱ و ۲). ولی بمحض اینکه دوربین(که بعد از صفحه یانگ و مشرف به صفحه پشتی نصب شده) روشنمیشه، فوتونها فورا ماهیت ذره از خودشون بروز میدن!!! یعنی عملی که ما در زمان حال انجام دادیم(قصد رصد فوتونها یا قصد شناخت ماهیت اونها و کسب معرفت) واقعیتی که در گذشته انجام شده بود(موج بودن فوتونها)رو عوض کردیم!!! مگه فوتونها بصورت موج از صفحه یانگ رد نشده بودن؟ مگه موج نبودن؟ چرا روی صفحه پشتی بصورت ذره ظاهر میشن؟
درکامنت ۱ هم دیدیم: قصد انسان به شناخت ماهیت عالم مادی و کسب معرفت، مستقیما بر ماهیت عالم فیزیکی تاثیر میگذاره.
کامنت ۳
جزییات آزمایش "کوانتومی تاخیری" :
Delayed Choice Quantum Experiment
فوتونها از صفحه استاندارد یانگ (دوشیاره) گذشتن و دوربین خاموش بوده. میدونیم که فوتونها بصورت موج از صفحه یانگ گذشتن و دارن میان و اگه دوربینی که ثبت فوتونها بر روی صفحه پشتی رو رصد میکنه، خاموش باشه، فوتونها روی صفحه پشتی بصورت موج ظاهر میشن.
ولی اگه قبل از ثبت فوتونها بر روی صفحه پشتی، دوربین فوتونشمار رو روشن کنیم، فوتونها فوری تغییر ماهیت میدن و بصورت ذره روی صفحه پشتی ظاهر میشن.
ما(انسانها) با خواستمون برای درک ماهیت وجودی
فوتون(نور)، ماهیتش رو از موج به ذره تغییر میدیم. چون معرفت ما در حد شناخت ذره هست و موج بودن (وصل بودن) خودمون رو فراموش کردیم. در اصل، نور بودیم(موج بودیم) ولی دچار نسیان شدیم(انسان شدیم) و روزگار وصل خویش را فراموش کردیم.
میتونیم بازجوییم روزگار وصل خویش/
اگر حقیقتا بازجوییم اصل خویش
کامنت ۴
توضیحات بیشتر و کلیپ کامل برای دانشجویان عزیز:
در سال ۱۹۷۸، پروفسور جان ویلر که هم دانشجوی انیشتن بود و هم دانشجوی پلانک، آزمایشی رو طرح کرد بنام "مشاهده کوانتومی با تاخیر"، که در کامنت ۳ دیدیم.
در کلیپ زیر، جزییات کامل این آزمایش نشون داده میشه.
امیدوارم دانشجویان عزیز با دید باز به این جزییات توجه بفرمایند. این نتایج و نیز نتایج هزاران آزمایش مشابه از ۱۹۲۷ تا بامروز (از جمله مقاله ای که در کامنت ۱ ارائه شد، بتاریخ ۲ روز قبل) ثابت میکنند که خواست بشر به تبیین ماهیت عالم ماده(یعنی خواست به کسب معرفت/هوش) مستقیما بر واقعیات فیزیکی(عالم مادی) تاثیرگذار هست.
The choices we make NOW influences what has already happened IN THE PAST
آزمایش "مشاهده کوانتومی تاخیری" که جان ویلر طراحی کرد، نه تنها با استفاده از نور لیزر، بلکه برای نور ساطع شده از ستاره ها نیز انجام شد و نتیجه مشابه بدست اومد.
به این شکل:
نوری که از یک ستاره ساطع شده و بوسیله تلسکوپ دریافت شده رو به روش "مشاهده تاخیری" آزمایش کردند و تایید شد که اگه قبل از مشاهده اون نور(فوتون)، دوربین فوتون شمار روشن نباشه، نور(فوتون)بصورت موج ظاهر میشه(تصویرسمت چپ) و اگه دوربین فوتونشمار رو روشن کنیم، فوتونها از خودشونماهیت ذره بروز میدن.
بازهم میبینیم که اگه انسان بخواد ماهیت وجودی خودش یا بقول مولانا "اصل خویش" رو بشناسه، میتونه ولی نه از راه علم تجربی و دنیای ماده. پیام فوتونها اینه: میخوایی خودت رو بشناسی، دنبال معرفت(علم فراتجربی) باش. راهش چیه؟ شناخت فراحسی(شهودی).
در پستهای بعد، روند تاریخی سیر معنوی فیزیکدانان بسمت عرفان رو از ۱۹۲۷ تا بامروز با هم مرور خواهیم داشت.
البته، قبل از اون، درپست بعد(ش۲۶)، آزمایش شماره ۵ که آخرین آزمایش کوانتومی نیز هست رو میبینیم. اهمیت آزمایش ش۵ در توصیف کیفیت و ذات وصل فوتونی(نورانی) هست. خواهیم دید که اگه از طریق کسب معرفت، به مقام وصل نورانی برسیم، هرچقدر روزگار ما رو بپیچونه، باز هم اصل خویش را فراموش نخواهیم نمود. دیگه این انسان دچار نسیانیکه موجب فصل او شدهبود، نخواهد بود.
محرم هوش، جز بیهوش نیست ...
کامنت ۶
جهت مطالعه دوستانی که به منابع بیشتر نیاز دارند
کامنت ۷
یکمقاله کلیدی:
" هیچ واقعیت مادی، قطعی و یقینی نیست تا زمانیکه مشاهده و اندازه گیری شود".
We're creating viewer supported news. Become a member!
didn’t know how to explain it, but we weren’t so much interested in
explaining it as determining whether there was any practical use to
The quote above comes from Major General
Edmund R. Thompson, Army Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence from
1977-81. He was referring to the investigation of “psychic phenomena,”
otherwise known as psi. Psi includes the study of intuition, mind-body
connection, psychokinesis, telepathy, precognition, clairvoyance, remote
viewing, and much more.
Although hundreds of peer-reviewed
studies have produced statistically significant results in this realm
over the decades, psi is still greeted with unwarranted skepticism and
“The discovery of truth is
presented more effectively, not by the false appearance of things
present and which mislead into error, not directly by weakness of the
reasoning powers, but by preconceived opinion, by prejudice.”
– Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher (1788-1860)
The 1995 declassification of the U.S. Government’s Stargate
Program, which studied remote viewing — the ability of a person to
describe a remote geographical location up to several hundred thousand
kilometers from their actual physical location — proved their ongoing
interest in this subject. This program lasted more than two decades, and
was used multiple times, successfully, to collect intelligence from
various locations.
They also studied precognition. Physicist and author Russell Targ,
who pioneered the development of the laser and laser applications, also
co-founded this program in conjunction with the Stanford Research
Institute (SRI). You can view a recent talk he gave that was cancelled
by TED, “Everything I know About ESP,” here.
When this program was declassified, the American Institutes for Research reviewed it, and both reviewers concluded:
The statistical results of the studies
examined are far beyond what is expected by chance. Arguments that these
results could be due to methodological flaws in the experiments are
soundly refuted. Effects of similar magnitude to those found in
government-sponsored research at SRI and SAIC have been replicated at a
number of laboratories across the world. Such consistency cannot be
readily explained by claims of flaws or fraud.
Even as far back as 1985, a report prepared by the Army Research Institute disclosed that “the data reviewed in this report constitute genuine scientific anomalies for which no one has an adequate explanation for.”
A 1999 a statistics professor at UC Irvine published a paper
showing that parapsychological experiments have produced much stronger
results than those showing a daily dose of aspirin helps prevent a heart
The list goes on and on, and with such
obvious and credible results in the field, it’s clear that not only
governments, but big corporations, like Sony, would want to capitalize
on this too.
“These disturbing phenomena
(ESP) seem to deny all our scientific ideas. How we should like to
discredit them! Unfortunately the statistical evidence, at least for
telepathy, is overwhelming.”
According to Dr. Dean Radin, Chief
Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, which was founded by
Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, “Quiet research programs
examining thee and other exotic technological possibilities have been
under way for several years in academic and industrial laboratories.”
He shares this information in one of his books, The Conscious Universe, from
which I obtained the quotes and information below. It’s an extremely
fascinating read, and this article doesn’t do it any justice, so please
check it out if you’re interested in these types of phenomena.
“Action at a Distance,” or the ability of mind to influence matter, is very real, and has tremendous implications.
In his book, Radin cites a story that appeared in the December 10, 1995 issue of the South China Morning Post — the same year the U.S. government declassified the Stargate Program, mentioned above:
SONY, the corporation which
revolutionized the world of audio and electronics, has acknowledged it
is conducting research into alternative medicine, spoon bending, X-ray
vision, telepathy and other forms of extra-sensory perception (ESP).
The institute of Wisdom was founded in
1989 at the instigation of Sony’s founder. . . . The company believes it
has proved the existence of ESP, and is already developing a diagnostic
machine based on the principles of oriental medicine. . . .
A sub-division of the institute,
Extra-Sensory Perception Excitation Research, has worked with more than
100 possessors of ESP. In one test, subjects were presented with two
black plastic containers, one of them containing platinum, the other
empty. Psychic individuals were able to “see” the platinum seven times
out of 10.
Yoishira Sako, a former specialist in
artificial intelligence who heads the four man research team, believes
commercial applications could apply to his research. “We haven’t come up
with such great results so far, he said, “But if we eventually discover
that ki energy is based on a kind of information transmission, it would
lead to a complete energy revolution. If we can understand the
mechanisms of telepathy, it would totally transform communication
This was more than a decade ago, and
with all of this research being locked up in Special Access Programs
(read more about those here)
or otherwise hidden, how are we ever going to have any transparency?
Radin makes this point in his book, and highlights how corporations are
the same way, reluctant to publicize their interests and findings. But
he does provide two more examples, Bell Laboratories and the Contel
Technology Centre:
At Bell Labs in the 1980s, I explored
mind-matter interaction effects to see whether certain electronic
circuits might be susceptible to psi influences, some aspects of this
research achieved the Bell Labs imprimatur. At Contel in the early
1990s, I began to experiment with commercially-available, off the shelf
electronics to see if ordinary components were susceptible to psi
influences. This was an important first step toward building psi based
devices, because unless scientists are able to demonstrate proof of
principle with existing hardware and software, they will have no hope of
obtaining funding to create speculative, custom-made microelectronics
from scratch.
He then goes on to share his experience developing a random key for a highly secure data encryption method, where he used a random number generator on a single chip.
“I conducted two psi experiments
using this chip, and both were successful in demonstrating mind-matter
interaction influences precisely where I had predicted they would
A prototype was then built, approved,
and tested. The test consisted of 10 volunteers who were asked to
mentally influence the random system in strictly prescribed ways, and
eventually, a patent disclosure was prepared.
“Unfortunately, immediately
after we complete the prototyping tests, GTE corporation merged with
Contel, and the disruption of the merger halted our efforts on this