واحد مشترک کمکی پژوهش و مهندسی «هوش یار-تواندار»     (HT-CSURE)

واحد مشترک کمکی پژوهش و مهندسی «هوش یار-تواندار» (HT-CSURE)

Hooshyar-Tavandar Common Subsidiary Unit for Research & Engineering
واحد مشترک کمکی پژوهش و مهندسی «هوش یار-تواندار»     (HT-CSURE)

واحد مشترک کمکی پژوهش و مهندسی «هوش یار-تواندار» (HT-CSURE)

Hooshyar-Tavandar Common Subsidiary Unit for Research & Engineering

'Cryosleep' May Open the Door to Deep Space

An artist's impression shows a crew of astronauts in a state of deep sleep. SpaceWorks

In science fiction, when people need to travel immense distances through outer space and don’t have a wormhole nearby, they bed down for a very long nap. For this, the heroes of films like "Aliens," "Avatar," "Interstellar," and "Passengers," have put themselves into suspended animation.

It would be convenient if real astronauts could hop in a sleep pod and wake up years later without aging a day. The bad news is we’re nowhere near this reality.

But scientists and engineers are collaborating with NASA and other space agencies to develop suspended animation projects for missions to Mars and beyond. Instead of being frozen in time, though, astronauts could be knocked out for weeks or months in a state called torpor that resembles hibernation.

If these projects are successful, ships could be more compact and more sparsely equipped, making them less expensive to propel through space. Astronauts could also spare their physical and mental health. And torpor could help us here on Earth, too.

The Case For Torpor

On a voyage to deep space, humans will be more demanding cargo than a rover or satellite. For one, we must eat. We also need room to move around and tend to chafe at sharing cramped quarters for long periods. And our bodies will be bombarded with cosmic rays and face numerous health issues caused by low gravity, including loss of bone density and muscle mass.

Putting astronauts into a hibernation-like state could help with some of these problems.

“The core characteristic of hibernation is that you suddenly stop consuming energy,” says Matteo Cerri, a physiologist at the University of Bologna in Italy. “If you’re not consuming any fuel you’re going to cool down.”

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During hibernation, an animal’s metabolism grinds to a near standstill. The heart beats more slowly and body temperature drops. The hormones and composition of the blood are altered. Breathing, cell replication, and brain activity slow. “It’s like a movie that progressively slows down," Cerri says. "Every frame gets slower and slower."

But humans can’t hibernate. “We’re just trying to make them appear to hibernate, or creating the benefits…of hibernation,” says John Bradford, president and COO of SpaceWorks Enterprises, an Atlanta-based aerospace engineering firm working with the NASA Innovative Advance Concepts (NIAC) Program.

If the crew could spend most of the flight in torpor, they would need less food and could occupy a smaller living space. Shipping anything into space is incredibly expensive because of added fuel costs for each extra pound, so a smaller spaceship would be a huge advantage.

Torpor could help fit more people on smaller ships to help rapidly populate space colonies. SpaceWorks

It might also be more pleasant for the astronauts.

“If you’re in a small tin can with the same other three people for nine months and you can’t really move about the cabin…it may actually be that sleeping for 14 days is the preferred way to go,” says Jason Derleth, program executive of NIAC.

Torpor could also have health benefits. While hibernating, animals don’t suffer muscle atrophy or bone degeneration from lack of use, although it’s not clear why. And there’s evidence that animals are less vulnerable to radiation during hibernation. So torpor might give astronauts added protection during spaceflight. On the other hand, a lowered metabolism means the body may not repair itself as quickly, so radiation damage might be more profound, Derleth says.

Having the crew stay in one place would make it easier to shield that portion of the ship from radiation since it would be incredibly expensive and impractical to shield a whole spacecraft.

How Will It Work?

The European Space Agency is working with Cerri and his colleagues to study suspended animation. They have already used drugs to shut off a brain area that controls metabolism in non-hibernating rats, sending the rodents into torpor.

Meanwhile, SpaceWorks has a team of engineers, former astronauts, physicians, and hibernation researchers that are pondering how to send astronauts into torpor safely and how a spacecraft could be designed to accommodate them.

SpaceWorks’ ideas build on a procedure used in emergency rooms called therapeutic hypothermia, in which the body is cooled to prevent brain damage after crises like cardiac arrest. But this has been done for days, not weeks or months. And it’s unclear whether it causes side effects because the people who receive this treatment are already ill.

There Could Be a Village on the Moon by 2030

To enter torpor, astronauts would only need to drop their internal body temperature about 9 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s possible this temperature drop could be done by cooling the surrounding air, Bradford says. Astronauts would be given a sedative to relax and prevent shivering as they slip into torpor.

A spacecraft could also have special pods to chill each crewmember. Or it could be equipped to cool the entire habitat or just a chilly area where crew in torpor are separated from other astronauts.

While in torpor, astronauts will need life support systems to monitor their vitals and take care of them. “We’re not like bears," Bradford says. “Unfortunately we don’t get to stock up and put on 300 pounds and then wake up nice and fit.” Food could perhaps be delivered intravenously.

Astronauts can enter torpor in shifts so someone is always alert. Initially, SpaceWorks aims to place people in torpor for two weeks. Later, they may work up to months, which would help with future colonization efforts. “If you want to send hundreds of people to Mars, you don’t want to have everybody waking up every two weeks,” Bradford says.

Photos: Evolution of the NASA Spacesuit, From Mercury to Starliner

Awakening from torpor will not be instantaneous. Astronauts must be roused slowly so different body parts can adjust at the right rates. As the body warms, every organ will be clamoring for energy, but the brain must first provide for itself, the heart, and other vital areas. Otherwise, those areas could be deprived of blood flow, possibly leading to a heart attack or stroke.

To combat radiation, the crew could be surrounded by their food bags while they sleep to help block them from exposure. But that protection would diminish as their contents are imbibed. “Does that mean that you put the person’s waste back in those bags?” Derleth asks.

Researchers will also have to investigate potential side effects of torpor, like an erratic heartbeat, infections, or blood clots. And we don’t know yet how torpor will affect cognition and memory, or what it will feel like for a healthy person.

“Below a certain degree of temperature…there is probably no consciousness anymore,” Cerri says. “But in the beginning, it could be quite odd, maybe even unpleasant.”

Bound For Torpor

One thing torpor can’t do is stop astronauts from aging. Hibernating animals do tend to live longer compared with other species similar in size, so it’s possible that torpor would slow human aging a little, but not enough to send people on 100-year jaunts through space.

For that, we would need to freeze astronauts, replacing their blood with an antifreeze to prevent their cells from bursting. Since we don’t know how to resurrect people from this chilly oblivion, cryonics isn’t yet a practical option for deep space travel. “Even if you were defrosting the body with no damage to the tissues, the body will still be dead when you warm it up,” Cerri says.

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Torpor is a much better bet. And it wouldn’t only be useful for space exploration. Soldiers wounded on the battlefield could be put into torpor until help can arrive. Or it could keep donor organs viable longer.

Cerri is now investigating whether torpor or hypothermia can protect healthy cells from radiation damage. If so, people could be put into torpor for cancer treatment. Doctors could then use a more intense dose of radiation to blast tumors because the surrounding tissue would be less vulnerable.

Bradford thinks technologies to use torpor could be ready by the early 2030s, when people are setting off on the first missions to Mars. NASA is not currently planning to use torpor for any future journeys, but if torpor proves its mettle, it could enable more ambitious voyages, Derleth says. “It does open up the possibility for 100 years from now traveling out to asteroids or even deeper in space.”

آژانس فضایی اروپا؛ مریخ نمی‌تواند جایگزین زمین باشد

زندگی در مریخ شاید جالب به نظر برسد، اما در واقع وحشتناک است.
به گزارش ایسنا و به نقل از پایگاه یونیورسیتی هرالد، آژانس فضایی اروپا می‌گوید ممکن است زندگی روی سیاره سرخ برای افراد مهیج و جالب باشد، اما در واقعیت این گونه نخواهد بود و زندگی در کره مریخ به آن راحتی که مردم فکر می‌کنند، نیست.
"یوهان دیتریش ورنر" (Johann-Dietrich Worner)، مدیر کل آژانس فضایی اروپا می‌گوید: شیوه زندگی بر روی کره مریخ آن طور که مردم تصور می‌کنند، نخواهد بود.
وی اعلام کرد: به هیچ وجه مشتاق مهاجرت به مریخ نیست!
وی افزود: اگر شخصی به مریخ سفر کند و قصد اقامت داشته باشد، نمی‌تواند برای یک پیاده‌روی کوتاه قدم به بیرون بگذارد و باید همواره در پناهگاه خود اوقات بگذراند. به همین دلیل مریخ جای مناسبی برای زندگی نیست.
دکتر "ورنر" به تفاوت میان دیدن یک سیاره با اقامت در آن تاکید کرد و گفت: واژه اقامت کلمه درستی نیست، بلکه باید از واژه سیاحت استفاده کرد. زندگی در مریخ نمی‌تواند جایگزین زندگی در زمین باشد.
مردم تصور می‌کنند که مشکلی نیست که زمین را نابود کنیم، چرا که می‌توان به جای بهتری نقل مکان کرد. اما باید گفت که یافتن سیاره‌ای بهتر از زمین بسیار سخت است.
آژانس فضایی اروپا همچنین اعلام کرد: زندگی روی کره ماه نیز تفاوتی با زندگی در سیاره مریخ نخواهد داشت.
با این که مریخ روشنایی بهتری دارد، اما دیگر شرایطش بهتر از زمین نیست. مریخ یک جو نازک دارد، بنابراین تنفس در فضای آزاد غیر ممکن است، علاوه بر آن سیاره مریخ مملو از صخره و سنگ، هوای خشک و غبارآلود است.
با تمام این تفاسیر، ایده جستجو و کشف و مطالعه سیارات منظومه شمسی همیشه وجود داشته است، اما بررسی قابلیت زندگی کردن و اقامت در دیگر سیارات موضوعی است که اخیرا مطرح شده است.
این خواسته، حامیانی نظیر "ایلان ماسک" بنیان‌گذار شرکت "اسپیس‌ایکس" نیز دارد.

پرتاب اولین کاوشگر خورشید در سال آینده

 سازمان ملی هوانوردی و فضایی آمریکا (ناسا) قرار است سال آینده اولین کاوشگر خورشید را با هدف مطالعه بادهای خورشیدی، به مدار ستاره منظومه شمسی پرتاب کند.
به گزارش ایرنا از ساینس دیلی، بادهای خورشیدی جریان‌هایی از ذرات ریزاتمی هستند که از جاذبه خورشید فرار کرده و از میدان مغناطیسی آن برای حرکت خود بهره می‌گیرند.

این جریان‌ها با سرعت مافوق صوت قادرند میلیارها کیلومتر را بپیمایند و سیاره ما و سایر سیارات منظومه شمسی را تحت تاثیر قرار دهند.

برای مثال در سال 2015 میلادی اطلاعات به دست آمده از کاوشگر MAVEN ناسا نشان داد این بادهای خورشیدی اتمسفر مریخ را اتم به اتم متلاشی می‌کنند.

خاستگاه این بادهای خورشیدی مساله‌ای است که از چند دهه قبل ذهن محققان را به خود مشغول کرده است. اما بررسی این پدیده از فاصله نزدیک به معنای ارسال یک کاوشگر فضایی به اتمسفر خورشید و دمایی نزدیک به 1377 درجه سانتیگراد است.

اکنون با پیشرفت‌هایی که در مهندسی دما حاصل شده است و امکان محافظت از کاوشگر را در برابر چنین گرمایی فراهم می‌کند، ناسا قادر است کاوشگری را به اتمسفر خورشید پرتاب کند.

بدنه این کاوشگر که Parker Solar Probe نام دارد از جنس کامپوزیت کربن با ضخامت 114 میلیمتر است و می‌تواند دمای درون کاوشگر را حدود دمای اتاق نگه دارد.

این کاوشگر تقریبا به اندازه یک اتومبیل است و قرار است با استفاده از جاذبه سیاره زهره در یک بازه زمانی 7 ساله خود را به خورشید برساند. سپس با سرعت 700 هزار کیلومتر در ساعت از درون اتمسفر خورشید و از فاصله 6.27 میلیون کیلومتری سطح آن عبور کند. این فاصله هفت برابر نزدیک تر از فاصله‌ای است که تاکنون یک فضاپیما از آن عبور کرده است.

قرار است این کاوشگر در ماه جولای سال 2018 میلادی با استفاده از راکت Delta IV Heavy به فضا پرتاب شود.

How to build your own country

How to build your own country

'Floating cities' master reinvention 09:48

Story highlights

  • Joe Quirk: More and more Americans are dissatisfied with their government
  • So now is the perfect time to innovate and create self-governing artificial islands

Joe Quirk, president of The Seasteading Institute, a nonprofit research and advocacy organization, is co-author of "Seasteading: How Floating Nations with Restore the Environment, Enrich the Poor, Cure the Sick, and Liberate Humanity From Politicians" with Patri Friedman, chairman of the board of The Seasteading Institute. The views expressed in this commentary are his own.

(CNN) If you'd like to live in a country that caters to your values and lifestyle, why not build your own?

Nearly half the earth's surface is a blue frontier over which no country holds sovereignty, and startup cities that float permanently in international waters will soon be economically feasible as construction materials get cheaper, greener and printable in 3D form. These will be homesteads on the high seas -- or seasteads.
Joe Quirk
By 2020, Blue Frontiers, our for-profit spinoff from The Seasteading Institute, a nonprofit research and advocacy organization, plans to provide fresh jurisdictions on floating sustainable islands designed to adapt organically to sea level change. These will be privately financed and built by local maritime construction firms employing the latest in sustainable blue tech.
We've already raised our seed round of investments to perform research and secure legislation, so get ready for the next wave of nations.
Of course, the need for seasteads could not be greater. Americans are fed up with their government -- in a recent Washington Post-ABC News poll, nearly two-thirds of Americans reported that they trust neither the Democratic or Republican establishment to represent them.
But this isn't a new sentiment. America's founders were also fed up with their government. The New World served as a platform where political innovators could experiment with unconventional ideas. As new states and territories were established piecemeal across the frontier, they became incubators for novel ideas of governance -- eventually shaping the country we have today.
A modular wavebreaker shelters Artisanopolis, a model seastead, in shallow coastal waters. Greenhouse domes will provide locally grown food. Courtesy of Gabriel Scheare, Chile.
Fast-forward over two hundred years, and most land has been claimed by governments established in previous centuries -- leaving the high seas to serve as the latest frontier for innovation.
"Why are we not looking at moving out onto the sea?" asked famed ocean explorer Robert Ballard, who discovered The RMS Titanic, as he concluded his 2008 TED talk with a clarion call: "Why do we have programs to build habitation on Mars ... but we do not have a program looking at how we colonize our own planet? And the technology is at hand!"
That same year, two Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, Peter Thiel and Patri Friedman, co-founded The Seasteading Institute to bring a startup sensibility to the problem of government monopolies that are too big to succeed.
The first permanent businesses on the high seas could be sovereign floating hospitals that provide cutting-edge care to patients who choose them. Design concept by Edward McIntosh, 2014, Ecuador.
Venture capitalist Peter Thiel announced that our outdated state could not adapt to dynamic modern technologies. In fact, vital departments of the US government still use floppy disks. Political economic theorist Patri Friedman, a Google engineer and Milton Friedman's grandson, observed that Steve Wozniak didn't change Hewlett-Packard from within. After his design for the personal computer was rejected five times, he left and founded Apple with Steve Jobs.
So where will the Wozniaks of governance go?
Gather your kindred spirits, forge a business plan to sell a unique service to the world and entice people to choose your floating island. If immigrants arrive and create a thriving community, your floating town could expand and grow into a city. If your floating island goes bankrupt, it will be disassembled and sold off to competing seasteads.
Seasteads 3D-printed on the ocean will not resemble skyscrapers rooted in bedrock. The City of Meriens follows the form and function of a manta ray. © Jacques Rougerie Architecte, France.
There's no shortage of innovators who believe they can create better societies, and no shortage of funders who want to invest in the New Blue World. Since people will be able to select and reject seasteads voluntarily, an evolutionary market process that will discover better ways of living together will naturally emerge.
Residents will have more direct influence over their floating society of a few hundred than they would have over an old nation of hundreds of millions. Also, unlike present governments, floating islands are no threat to other nations.
Small floating cities already proliferate on our oceans. Oil rig workers typically work two weeks out of every four in floating accommodations that meet hotel standards, where they enjoy saunas, gyms, maid and laundry services and satellite TV. Their platforms, each the size of one or two football fields, are frequently stable enough to play ping pong.

And floating private governance is a rapidly growing industry. This year, more than 20 million people will vote to float when they board cruise ships for jobs and vacations, where they enjoy private security guards and health care. Disney World has been hailed as a marvel of private governance. If only Walt Disney had lived to see his majestic fleet of Disney Magic, Disney Wonder, Disney Dream and Disney Fantasy. The cruise industry provides seasonal jobs for people in the developing world, and seasteads could create permanent jobs as well as homes.
Meanwhile, French Polynesia has offered to host the first pilot seastead. This ancient culture of navigators has been choosing among islands and founding new societies for millennia. Leaders in French Polynesia reached out to The Seasteading Institute to let us know they possess all the features seasteading needs to get started: calm warm waters, natural wave breakers and a youth culture eager to work in incubation hubs for blue tech.

On January 13, 2017, French Polynesia signed a Memorandum of Understanding with The Seasteading Institute, agreeing to work together on legislation for a "special governing framework," so pioneers can offer innovative societies in a protected Tahitian lagoon.
The prototype for their floating islands has already been built in the Netherlands by our Dutch engineers at DeltaSync in partnership with Public Domain Architects. The Floating Pavilion in Rotterdam is sustainable, solar-powered and mobile, a sterling example of what the Dutch call "climate-proof architecture."
So let's let a thousand nations bloom.

Plasma Jet Engines Might Soon Take Us From Earth to Space

Plasma Jet Engines Might Soon Take Us From Earth to Space

Fossil fuel-less propulsion.

20 MAY 2017

Imagine a jet engine that could propel an aircraft faster than a traditional engine, taking us all the way to the edge of the atmosphere, all without burning fossil fuels - and for a low cost.

That's exactly what plasma jet engines should be able to do, although thus far they have been confined to research labs, mostly those focusing on using the engines to move satellites and other spacecraft.

Now researchers from the Technical University of Berlin are working to bring them out of the lab and into the sky. 

Instead of burning fuel and compressed air and then shoving the results out of the back of an engine to cause a forward propulsion, a plasma jet engine mimics a fusion reactor or a star.

It creates electricity by exciting and compressing gas into a plasma, and then generating an electromagnetic field.

Led by Berkant Göksel, the research team aims to marry the plasma engine and the passenger jet to come up with something that could fly at very high altitudes but still take off and land.

"We are the first to produce fast and powerful plasma jets at ground level," Göksel told New Scientist.

"These jets of plasma can reach speeds of up to 20 kilometres a second."

Several obstacles are still standing between the plasma jet engine that can carry us to the edge of space and reality. First, Göksel's team was using tiny plasma thrusters - about 80 millimetres in length.

It would take around 10,000 of these little thrusters to propel a standard commercial-size aircraft, so the current design is a non-starter. For now, Göksel's team intends to use 100 to 1,000 thrusters to move a smaller airship or plane, which ought to be feasible.

Like anything else that runs on electricity - especially something that needs so much electricity - the biggest problem that even the tiny version of the plasma thrusters face is the need for batteries.

They need to be lightweight enough to avoid being counterproductive, yet have enough capacity to supply the needed power. The fact that the ultimate goal is making the thrusters bigger only exacerbates the issue.

So far, this problem hasn't been solved:

"An array of thrusters would require a small electrical power plant, which would be impossible to mount on an aircraft with today's technology," the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology's Dan Lev told New Scientist.

Göksel and his team are, thus far, relying on outside power breakthroughs to bridge this gap. Improvements in solar panels or compact fusion reactors for use on aircraft or spacecraft could be exactly what this system needs.

Until something develops on that front, though, the team intends to create a hybrid craft that uses either rockets or pulse detonation combustion engines to fill in the gaps left by the plasma engine.

This article was originally published by Futurism. Read the original article.