By BizLED Bureau
September 12, 2015:
Taiwan‘s new generation high-tech farmers are growing vegetables indoor with the help of LED lights. Plants grown under LED lights grow twice as fast because of the intensity of lights.
These plants are grown in air-conditioned grow room, where plants grow in nutrient-filled water instead of soil and the temperature and humidity can also be controlled. LED lights can be changed to imitate the cycle of day and night.
These high-tech indoor farms in Taiwan yield more crops per area than soil, and they do not need pesticides.
These types of plant factories are becoming popular in Taiwan. In these plant factories farmers can grow everything from lettuce to exotic vegetables.
LED manufacturers in Taiwan have been making cheaper LED lights that not only consume less electricity but can also mimics the intensity and spectrum of sunlight.
TingMao Agricultural Biotechnology is a pioneer in plant factory, and today it is the leading producer of LED-grown vegetables in Taiwan.
However, food critics find it hard to believe that plants grown under LED are as nutrient as those grown in soil. They, therefore, point out that government should come up with regulations on the chemicals used in the water of LED-grown plants and set hygienic standards.